This past Thanksgiving, I had the gracious opportunity to experience my first Glamping (Glamorous Camping) at Bosko in Guatape, Colombia. Just a FYI.... I have never done anything remotely to camping or just being outdoors with nature so I was super excited in experiencing this trip while in Colombia.
So... my special guest and I took an uber ride to Guatape which is 90 minutes away from Medellin. The cost of the uber ride was only 90 Mil Pesos which is around $23. The overall experience from check-in, lodging, dinning, touring around Gutape and El Penon was simply amazing. It is totally worth the cost and should be experienced as a getaway trip either alone or with someone special. Strongly recommend!!!!
Currently working on the video that I will highlight my stay at Bosko and will post soon on my YouTube Channel. If you want to learn more, check them out
