Since the COVID pandemic, traveling became a non-existent activity for many folks. However, people are now traveling again - domestic and overseas. As travel interest is now at an all-time high, people are now prepping for their next travel destinations. Yes, travel preparation is an essential activity that must be taken seriously. Your travel preparation determines the outcome of your travel experiences. The more preparation you take the better your travel experiences. Here are the 4 essential prep activities I take to ensure that I have amazing and memorable travel experiences.
Ticket Purchases: As the best practice, you want to purchase your flight tickets 2 weeks before your trip. For extra savings, purchase your ticket a month out and go to the airport to purchase your ticket directly from the airlines if you’re flying on Spirit and Frontier for extra savings. Use to get a gauge on the ticket prices then decide on which airlines to fly. As a safe measure, purchase the insurance. Stop being cheap and purchase the insurance because you may need it especially now.
Select your lodging: Hotel or Airbnb - which one do you prefer best to fit your traveling needs. Once you decide on a hotel or Airbnb, find the area that is central to all of the activities and close to the action. Use google maps to get a sense of the area before you book the place. If you are using Airbnb, try to negotiate your rate. For more information check out my previous blog on 5 Steps to Avoid a Horrible Airbnb Experience
List your Activities: Either you’re an explorer or lounger, write down a list of things that you would like to see and do during your travel. By having a list, you 90% chance of seeing what you wanted to see and do feeling some level of accomplishment.
Travel funds: Yes, it is easy to expense your travels with your credit card but why have the extra debt. Create a trip saving account where you can allocate funds for that specific travel so you have funds available without using your credit cards unless you’re trying to earn travel points.
This is only the start of your traveling planning but you have a framework in how to prep for your upcoming travels. Again, the experience you seek always depending on your travel preparation. Safe travels!!!